Celebrate Winter Dried Workshop, Thurs., Jan. 30, 2025 6-8 pm

All set up at Aunt Willie’s
Come join us and celebrate winter’s quiet beauty as we play with flowers and foliages that have been dried till they’re soft and muted and just perfect after all the bright holiday has been packed away. Create a wreath and wall hanging that will last long past the flowers of spring and summer to come. We have lots of wild and wonderful material stored up at Aunt Willie’s ready and waiting for folks to come and play.
We’ll start with a grapevine base and a bit of chicken wire and then choose from foliage, flowers, and weeds . . . some gathered while things were flowering and others that dried in the fields. Mountain mint, hydrangea, peonies, nigella, larkspur, gomphrena, roses, sunflowers, and dahlias you can identify easily, but textures from the field will add a bit of wild mystery to our creations.
No experience necessary as Linda will demonstrate a crescent wreath from start to finish and a wall hanging and we’ll have folks to help you along your way if needed. After the wreathes are finished, each can make a simple wall hanging and tie up with twine or ribbon.
And this year we’re adding an educational element to our workshop. We’ll explain how and at what stage to best harvest for air drying, what types of flowers dry best and keep the best color, and we’ll also demo how to dry flowers in silica sand. So after this workshop each will be ready for the season ahead and can start preserving their own flower memories for 2025.
All materials will be provided. If you have a favorite pair of nippers you can bring those along, but we will have plenty. Plenty of heat at Aunt Willie’s so you don’t even need to dress in layers!
It gets lonely on the farm in winter and we are so ready to have folks back out here with us. Hope you can join us. If you have any questions, text Linda at 423-367-0361. See below for more details.
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