Spring Centerpiece workshop – Thurs., Apr 24, 6-8 p. m. $165


Our first full design workshop of the season and it’s just after Roy and my BIRTHDAYS!! Nothing we’d rather do to celebrate than play with flowers with lovely people! So much beauty is blossoming on the farm in April. Last of the lilacs, bridal veil spirea, ranunculus, anemone, dames rocket, viburnum, and the sweetest snapdragons! Sweet peas will likely make an appearance along with other spring bloomers and all work beautifully together. The early spring green foliage is such a sweet compliment to it all and finishes it off with a flourish.

We will demo a centerpiece in a vessel that allows flowers to spill over casually. We will explain the principles of design that will allow each participant to create a lush long lasting arrangement using all the bounty spring provides. Gentle guidance will be offered and help provided when needed but the variety of floral material make this arrangement one all can master. We’ll work outside at the Homeplace and move inside if inclement weather. No prior experience is needed and beginners are welcome. When we’re done creating we will style your piece for a photo that you can then share with others. Cost of the workshop includes instruction, all floral material, vessel, and perhaps a few extra flowers to take home at the end of the evening. Registration is not refundable but if you can’t attend you can send a friend in your place. See below for more details.

9 in stock


We’ll meet at the Homeplace,399 Bruce Doan Rd. Blountville, TN 37617, The driveway is the first on the left after you pass the hoop house. Pull down the driveway towards the white Farmhouse. I’ll try to remember to tie balloons on the mailbox. Should the weather change, we’ll meet iinside. Please bring nippers if you have them but we’ll have plenty and dress for a run down old farm. It’s spring so the evening will cool quickly so bring a jacket even if it’s a warm day. Be prepared to learn a thing or two, enjoy an evening in the country, make a friend, and create something beautiful. If you have questions, you may call or text Linda at 423-367-0361.