Seed Saving Workshop, Sunday, Nov. TBA 3-5 pm
Saving seed is a great way to tap into nature’s plan and be involved in the full life cycle of a flower, from seed to flower to seed again. The actual saving seed is not difficult and we’ll do lots of that, but the teacher in me likes to explore and explain a bit about the bigger picture. . . does everything grow from a seed? what seeds stay true and what seeds do not? when to harvest, how to dry, how to separate, clean, and store.
We grew only Floret Zinnias this year and we will be sharing seeds from these beautiful new varieties (with Erin’s permission). The zinnia heads have been drying for several weeks at Aunt Willie’s so will be easy to sort and separate and clean. We also have several celosia varieties, black knight scabiosa, bupleurum, and a lovely bright pink gomphrena. Most seeds will need to be stored til next year late spring but bupleuruma and scabiosa could be direct seeded now if you’d like to experiment a bit.
I love flowers when they’re coming and going and even when they’re standing brown and tall in the field after they’ve bloomed their little hearts out. Gathering their seeds allows these flowers to grow again and be beautiful next season and that’s what nature is all about.The flower heads/seedpods have been drying on paper on tables at Aunt Willie’s and so we will learn a bit about he process and then begin dividing at the tables and moving outside in better light to thresh and clean.
So join us if you can. All supplies provided. You’ll take home at least 150 zinnia seeds and a good sampling of other flower seeds to have fun next season and handouts to help you remember it all. And all the while you’ll be learning so you can save your own seeds next year and the next year and the next . . . and that’s the fun part.
See below for more details. Payment is not refundable but if you can’t make it you can send someone in your place.
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