Hand Tied Bouquets Date TBD


Cost of the workshop, including flowers, vessel, instruction, and light refreshments is $150. Must have 6 participants for workshop to carry with 10 participants maximum to accommodate crowd guidelines. If minimum is not met, money will be refunded.

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There’s just something lovely about creating a lush bouquet in your hand, complete with so many textures and so much farm bounty, and then tying it all up with ribbon to hand to a bride. Or perhaps instead of adding ribbon, just dropping it into a vase for a special occasion. Linda loves teaching the art of bouquet making and with so many beautiful blooms in June, seems like the ideal time to offer a Hand Tied Workshop. We will hopefully have dahlias and even a few peonies and with these flowers as focal flowers, bouquet making just became easier

Linda will demo her signature loose open style bouquet and each participant will first make a small handed tied, mirroring Linda’s method. Then each will be free to wander a bit and gather a few more blooms and foliage before creating a second larger bouquet with guidance offered as needed.

Cost of the workshop, including flowers, vessel, instruction, and light refreshments is $150. Must have 6 participants for workshop to carry with 10 participants maximum to accommodate crowd guidelines. If minimum is not met, money will be refunded.


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