
Time for an August farm tour and the glamour girl dahlias and hydrangea are in full bloom! Roy always kicks off the tour with a bit of old farm story telling including tales from Revolutionary and Civil War times and a bit of getting acquainted, and then it’s on to the dahlias! We started cutting a few dahlias the first of June and they keep on blooming through frost although the heat has slowed them down significantly. Just now starting to pick up. Each of you will get to cut and fill your ball jar as Linda explains the whole dahlia process. There are other good summer bloomers around the Homeplace including the ever-present but oh-so-useful Poke weed. When we move on the the hoop house we’ll see the tail end of the lisianthus, a few sunflowers, celosia, amaranthus, rosemary, with a few other things I coming or going. You’ll learn how we flip the hoop house between cool season to warm season and back to cool crops over the course of the season. Then on to Aunt Willie’s house and so many woodies and perennials. We have four types of hydrangea at Aunt Willie’s and the limelight and tardiva are just about perfect right now. Our best foliage plants are here in abundance along with perennials like gooseneck, yarrow, echinacia, eryngium, phlox, mints, and oregano. The chicken coop turned flower studio it’s always fun to peek in and the cooler should have a few blooms cut and stored for upcoming events. Aunt Willie’s house is interesting to explore with all the vases/pitchers/glassware that are stored upstairs. Of course we’ll be talking flowers the whole way with lots of time for questions and friend-making as we go. If you’re not too tired and would like to hike up to the cabin in the woods, we’re glad to walk along with you and tell you how this sweet little spot came to be.

Join us if you can . . . . we love our farm tour visitors and all the interest and excitement they bring along with them to the farm! See below for payment and more details.

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Tour will meet rain or shine so bring an umbrella if rain looks imminent but there are plenty of run down old buildings to duck into if we need to. We’ll begin at the Homeplace. Turn left into the driveway at 385 Bruce Doan Rd., 37617. Pull down the driveway and just after you pass the hoop house turn right and continue on till you come to the driveway at the Homeplace and then turn right again.  We’ll be forming a large loop with everyone heading in the same direction.I’ll try to remember to put balloons on the mailbox. There is NOT A RESTROOM at the Homeplace, but there is at Aunt Willie’s where the tour will end up. Tours generally last about 2 hours but you’re welcome to stay an extra minute to hike up to the cabin if there’s enough daylight. Cost is not refundable but if for some reason you’re unable to join us last minute, you can send someone in your place. You may not transfer to another date.