Farm Tour – April TBA 6-8 p.m.


April Farm Tour and we couldn’t be more excited for your visit. While all seasons are lovely on a farm, there’s something special about Spring with new growth everywhere! We’ll start at the Homeplace 385 Bruce Doan Rd., 37617, built in 1870 by Roy’s great grandfather where we’ll hear a brief history of the farm including stories from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Next everyone can snip a bit of the bridal veil spirea planted generations ago by the Homeplace and then we’ll take a peak at what the dahlia beds look like in April. Then we’ll head to the hoop house which is full of flowers blooming or ready to bloom. Most everything in the hoop was planted in the fall and is cold hardy and Linda will explain the process of growing Cool Flowers. Sweet peas, anemone, and ranunculus, will be blooming with snapdragons, campanula, and scabiosa not far behind. Even our first batch of sunflowers is looking promising and hopefully will be ready mid May.

Next, we’ll drive to Aunt Willie’s where lilac, viburnum, spirea, mock orange, and peonies will be in various stages of bloom and almost bloom. So many favorite woodies and perennials are here. Linda will share the secrets of cutting and storing peonies even if they’re not quite blooming.  We’ll take a look into the cooler, chicken coop, and Aunt Willie’s house and see how our flower farm has evolved. We’ll have a bouquet started for everyone but we’ll hope to slip a bit more so if you have them bring scissors or nippers but we’ll have some to share. Cost is $35 and includes lots of history, growing information, a ball jar bouquet, and time to just relax on a flower farm. Bring your questions and come ready to learn and hopefully make a friend or two along the way. See below for more details and payment.



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Tour will meet rain or shine so bring an umbrella if rain looks imminent but there are plenty of run down old buildings to duck into if we need to. We’ll begin at the Homeplace, but turn in the driveway on the left at the hoop house at 385 Bruce, Doan, Rd., Blountville, Tennessee, 37617. I’ll try to remember to put balloons on the mailbox. Roy will be directing traffic from there. Tours generally last about 2 hours but you’re welcome to stay an extra minute to hike up to the cabin if there’s enough daylight. Cost is not refundable but if for some reason you’re unable to join us last minute, you can send someone in your place.