Farm Tours
We love watching the seasons evolve here on the farm and we love sharing all that’s growing and blooming with our guests. We began opening the farm for tours several years ago and tours have since become some of our favorite farm events. We are excited for this season of Farm Tours and the folks it will bring into our lives! Please dress for a run down old farm that is complete with poison ivy and ground hog holes. Bring a pair of nippers or scissors if you have them as we will snip a few blooms as we tour. Tour will begin at the Homeplace, 399 Bruce Doan Rd., Blountville, TN 37617. I’ll try to remember to put balloons on the mailbox, but it’s the first driveway on the left AFTER the hoophouse. Dates will be announces approximately 2 weeks before each tour and we hope to host one tour each month, April through October.
Laid Back and Informative
Folk who join us are often laid back gardeners or flower enthusiasts who have interest in not just pretty flowers, but how flowers grow, and also interest in the farmers who grow them. We’ll tour the Homeplace first and hear Roy tell Revolutionary and Civil War stories, talk of farm days gone by, and see what’s blooming. Here you’ll find flowers through the seasons from spring sweet peas to fall dahlias! Linda will explain a bit about growing, netting, harvesting, deep cutting, and preserving.

Flowers and Stories
We’ll pop into the hoop house next to see what’s blooming and perhaps cut a few stems. Then it’s on to Aunt Willie’s house with the perfect 1940’s vintage kitchen, the chicken coop/flower studio, and all the flower and perennial beds – talking flowers and farm the whole time. Peonies through hydrangea will be highlighted depending on the season. Linda will also talk of the woodies and perennials that provide most of the foliage used in arrangements.
Learn and Experience
A good time to learn about the preparation that goes into flower farming and to see and hear the nuts and bolts. We’ll have jars ready for you with a few blooms and you’ll be able to sniff a few more.
Flowers as You Go
Tour includes lots of history, wandering, and bouquet making. Tour will meet rain or shine so bring an umbrella if rain looks imminent. Plenty of run down old buildings to duck into if inclement weather. Tours generally last about 2 hours but you’re welcome to hike up to the cabin later if daylight allows. Money is not refundable, but if you can’t make it you can hopefully send someone in your place.